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The Groom Room - Newton Abbot

The Groom Room - Newton Abbot (502 reviews)

55 Queens Street, Newton Abbott, Devon, TQ12 2AU, United Kingdom

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Located in the heart of Torquay the groom room stylists are young, friendly and relaxed and specialize in neat, classic cuts.

Aware that a decent haircut indicates high self esteen, the emphasis is on looking good and feeling sharp. While personal style is an individual matter electing the right haircut to suit your requirements and your face is a collective one. With customer care and attention to detail high on the agenda, the groom room pride themselves on tailoring haircuts to suit your face, your job, your lifestyle and your pocket. And they will also advise you on essential methods of hair care and maintenance in-between visits.

Reviewed by 502 customers (view comments)

The overall ranking and star rating is based on customer reviews received in the last 6 months. All customers that paid for a service at The Groom Room - Newton Abbot were requested to complete an independent review by mylocalsalon (a minimum of 26 reviews are required within the last 6 months to receive a ranking).

Overall Environment Care

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Opening Hours

MON 09:00 to 17:00
TUE 09:00 to 17:00
WED 09:00 to 17:00
THU 09:00 to 17:00
FRI 09:00 to 18:00
SAT 08:00 to 15:00
SUN Closed


Mens Cut

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What our customers are saying about us

Commented reviews only

15 Jun 2018
Overall Environment Care

Service Quality & Prof. Advice

Value for money

Ultimate Question (Referral)


I found this place by accident and decided to give their Beard Sculpting a try. Wow just Wow the barbers here are knowledgeable and friendly and know how to make your hair or beard look fresh. I’m now back every fortnite to get my beard sculpted.

Newton Abbot
20 Jun 2018
Overall Environment Care

Service Quality & Prof. Advice

Value for money

Ultimate Question (Referral)


Had my hair cut by Marc at The Groom Room Newton Abbot. My hair is very thick and corse, as a result I have always had problems styling my hair. Marc had a good look at my hair and explained to me why I have been experiencing these problems. Marc then discussed in detail how I would like my hair cut, advising and making suggestions as to what would suit my hair type and style. I’m really pleased with my hair cut! I can now style my hair in the way I want, which I’ve wanting to do for years! BIG thanks to Marc and The Groom Room!

22 Jun 2018
Overall Environment Care

Service Quality & Prof. Advice

Value for money

Ultimate Question (Referral)

28 Jun 2018
Overall Environment Care

Service Quality & Prof. Advice

Value for money

Ultimate Question (Referral)


Great haircut as usual, always made to feel welcome, can’t fault any of the stylists as you always get a top haircut, wouldn’t go anywhere else now.

Newton Abbot
30 Jun 2018
Overall Environment Care

Service Quality & Prof. Advice

Value for money

Ultimate Question (Referral)


Really pleased with my haircut and great service.

03 Jul 2018
Overall Environment Care

Service Quality & Prof. Advice

Value for money

Ultimate Question (Referral)

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